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Saturday 29 de March, 2025

Astrology Directory

Weekly Horoscope
Free weekly horoscope, all predictions of the week by the team of astrologers of www.truetarot.com
www.truetarot.com   |   2015.04.21

Astrology by Indian Astrologers
Get free monthly & yearly prediction and information on gemstones, yantra, rudraksha, yoga and nakshatra at www.Astrolika.com.
www.astrolika.com   |   2015.03.14

If your sign is Gemini you are in the right place. All about Gemini horoscope for today, tomorrow, weekly horoscope, horoscope of the month and much more .. all for free.
www.geminihoroscope.net   |   2014.09.10

All about Scorpio horoscope. Scorpio Horoscope for today, tomorrow horoscope, weekly horoscope, horoscope for the month and all its free features.
www.scorpiohoroscope.net   |   2014.09.10

About Astrology
A daily blog where interesting things are written about astrology, the horoscope and all things related to the stars. They also have sections 2013 annual horoscopes, compatibility in love and birth chart birthday day.
astrology.about.com   |   2013.05.22

Daily horoscopes
Here you'll get your updated daily horoscope sign compatibility Besides, you can enjoy the area astrological Susan Miller. Check the meaning of tarot cards. Astral Graphics and more.
shine.yahoo.com   |   2013.05.22

In this site you can read your daily horoscopes as well as enjoy interesting Articles on topics of horoscopes and astrology, astrology famous as understand the astrology information, astrology in movies ... etc..
www.astro.com   |   2013.05.22


Etymologically the word, astrology, comes from the Greek words "astros" and "logos" meaning star and knowledge, respectively. It can be defined as knowledge or study of the stars. Also, astrology is used for studying relationships and events in the cosmos, especially as they influence the events in the lives of people, events that are related to pain, pleasure, fear, hope, love, hate, error, truth, birth, illness and death, that is to say, destiny. There are five major areas of study in astrology, which are; horary, mundane, meteorological, elective and predictive.

There are five major areas of study in astrology, which are; horary, mundane, meteorological, elective and predictive.

Horary astrology consists in deciphering the natal card at the time a question is asked, that is to say, a horoscope is calculated at the moment that a question is asked and then it is interpreted.

Mundane astrology does not apply only to persons, for example, every country has its natal card which indicates the events that happen in it. For instance, the sign of Argentina is Cancer ascendant in Libra. The natal card is calculated based on the day and time the country's independence was declared.

Meteorological astrology is the type of astrology that helps to track climate changes that are generated on earth, for example: droughts, hurricanes and floods.

Elective astrology consists in finding a place, time and date that is suitable to start a business, close deals, form groups, conduct interviews or appointments, among other things.

Predictive Astrology includes different methods to predict responses to various needs and situations. Among the most commonly used methods, are the solar revolution (consists of one year), transits (planetary contacts with important points of the horoscope), lunar revolution (consists of one month) and natal astrology (birth chart).